The box measured a foot across by a foot wide.

It was worn, made of cardboard, like the ones people use for moving, and it weighed what felt like several pounds. It was not what Anna Malika had expected.

Photographs of all different sizes, shot from varying angles in both color and in black and white filled the box. And the model staring back at her in each of the images was a younger, more vulnerable version of herself.

They reflected a dark time in Malika’s life. It was the early 2000s; she had been young, in high school, and had been manipulated, coerced and “brainwashed” by a man more than twice her age who she thought loved her, and whom she had been convinced she loved in turn. Shocked, disgusted and heartbroken, Malika eventually realized that she had been a victim of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. That moment, standing there with the open box, was a turning point, and now she’s telling her story to help others avoid the same situation.

Model Victoria Elaine Singleton portrays a sex-trafficking victim.
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Model Victoria Elaine Singleton portrays a sex-trafficking victim.