Correction (12/6/2021): In an earlier version of this article, we noted that SECCA was receiving $400,000 from the state budget. They are actually receiving $140,000. The mistake has since been corrected.
On Nov. 18, Gov. Roy Cooper finally signed the state budget into law, making North Carolina the last state in the country to do so. The budget, which passed the state legislature with broad partisan support, comes in at $25.9 billion for the current fiscal year which began on July. For the 2022-23 fiscal year, the total is $27 billion.
As a whole, Cooper noted that the “good outweighs the bad” with salary raises for teachers and other state employees, and cuts to individual income taxes. However, items such as an expansion of Medicaid and full funding of public schools as required by the Leandro case did not make the cut. The state’s corporate income tax — which at 2.5 percent is the lowest rate of any state with such a tax, according to NC Policy Watch — will also be phased out starting in 2025 with the goal of hitting zero by the end of the decade. In addition to what’s happening at the state level, here’s a more granular look at monies that will be coming directly into the Triad.
With more than a dozen colleges and universities and more than 200 public schools in the area, it’s nt wonder that this category makes up the largest portion of funding that the Triad will receive. Notable line items include funding for Guilford County Schools to expand their signature career academy program as well as funding for the completion of a national guard readiness center in McLeansville.
UNCG (GSO) — $184,188,127
The university will receive this funding as part of the state’s general fund.
- Funding for an eSports Program — $2.4 million: Funding for the operation, equipment, technology, marketing, and programming costs associated with the creation of an eSports facility on campus.
NC A&T State University (GSO) — $106,349,802
The university will receive this funding as part of the state’s general fund.
- Doctoral Programs — $5.5 million: Funds will support new faculty and graduate student services for the doctoral programs including computer science, various engineering fields, energy and environmental systems, education and rehabilitation counseling.
- Agriculture Research and Cooperative Extension — $3 million: Funds to support the state-matching requirement for the university’s research and cooperative extension federal grant.
- Engineering North Carolina’s Future — 2.5 million: Provides funds for additional faculty, staff, equipment, facility improvements, and other resources needed to support an expansion of the College of Engineering.

Winston-Salem State University (W-S) — $65,004,094
The university will receive this funding as part of the state’s general fund.
- WSSU KR Williams Auditorium — $5.7 million: Provides funds for renovations to the auditorium. The total amount for the project is $57 million.
UNC School of the Arts (W-S) — $33,894,255
The university will receive this funding as part of the state’s general fund.
- UNC School of the Arts COVID-19 Expenses — $364,253: Funds to offset expenses incurred by the high school academic program to respond to the pandemic.
Guilford Technical Community College (Guilford) — $19,525,968
The community college will receive more than $19 million for “new construction or rehabilitation of existing facilities and repairs and renovations.”
- Guilford Technical Community College Aviation Training Center (Guilford) — $2 million: Provides a grant to Guilford Technical Community College for an aviation training center.
- Guilford Technical Community College R&R (Guilford) — $1.5 million: Provides a grant to Guilford Technical Community College for repairs and renovations.
DPS – National Guard Guilford Regional Readiness Center (Guilford) — $15.7 million
This funding will go to funding the completion of the Guilford County Regional Readiness Center in McLeansville. The center spans across 85.5 acres with operational space for approximately 600 soldiers. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $47 million.
Parkland High School Athletic Fields and Stadium (W-S) — $2.5 million
Parkland High School will receive funding for repairs of the athletic fields.
Guilford County Career and Technical Education Pilot (Guilford) — $2 million
Guilford County Schools will receive funding to expand the Innovative Signature Career Academy Program. The program will establish signature career academies at six high schools that specialize in defined areas of career and technical education. Currently, there are six high schools that are a part of the effort offering academies in manufacturing and engineering, computer science and information science, transportation, distribution and logistics as well as biomedical and specialized health sciences.
Bennett College (GSO) — $1,589,942
The private college will receive funding for responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Allocation of Funds for the Program (W-S) — $1.5 million (out of $14 million)
The Department of Public Instruction from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund will give $1.5 million to Winston-Salem out of a total $14 million for all the districts.
Ready for School, Ready for Life (GSO) — $1,208,000
This nonprofit will receive a directed grant to help provide children and their families with resources for healthy development. The organization focuses on development in areas such as physical development, language and communication, social-emotional, cognitive and approaches to play so that by the time children enter kindergarten, they are well prepared.
Atrium Health School-Based Virtual Health — $1 million
This money provides funding to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing school-based virtual health services.
School-Based Virtual Care Pilot Program (W-S) — $1 million
This grant will be used to address health disparities in marginalized communities.
Guilford College (GSO) — $964,118
The private college will receive funding for responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Greensboro College (GSO) — $613,040
The private college will receive funding for responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Salem College (W-S) — $484,246
Salem College will receive a grant to assist with COVID-19 recovery.
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools (W-S) — $435,000 (out of $4 million)
This grant is for charter school funds per district. The total amount is $4 million with $435,000 going to Winston-Salem and Forsyth schools.
Crosby Scholars (Forsyth) — $300,000 (out of $500,000)
This is a grant for the Crosby Scholars Community Partnership. The money will provide scholarships for students eligible for Pell grants, $300,000 for students in Forsyth and $100,000 for those in Rowan and Iredell.
The Enrichment Center (W-S) — $250,000
This grant will go to The Enrichment Center in Winston-Salem, an organization that provides services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Crossnore School & Children’s Home (W-S) — Part of $200,000
This grant will provide funding to the Crossnore School & Children’s Home.
With the impact of the pandemic still lingering, cultural institutions in the Triad are looking to the state for funding to get them back on track. Notable line items include a new Holocaust memorial planned for Greensboro and money to expand the Charlotte Hawkins Brown site.
State Aid to Public Libraries (Triad) — Part of $10 million
Funds to provide economics assistance grants to local libraries.

AeroX Grant-in-Aid (W-S) — $5 million
This grant is to fund the drone program at Smith Reynolds Airport.
Science Museum Grants (Triad) — Part of $3.5 million
Funds for grants to local museums and science center impacted by the pandemic.
Belews Lake Park Land Development (W-S) — $3 million
Forsyth County will use this money to further develop Belews Lake Park.
Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) – Shallow Ford (W-S) — $1.8 million
The DNCR will use this funding to purchase acres at the Shallow Ford in Forsyth County.
- DNCR – Shallow Ford Parking Lot (W-S) — $245,000: This grant provides funding to add a parking lot to the acres to be purchased at the Shallow Ford.
DNCR – Charlotte Hawkins Brown (Guilford) — $1 million
Provides funding to DNCR for the purchase of approximately 100 acres adjacent to the Charlotte Hawkins Brown State Historic Site in Guilford County, to be added to the site. The site is the home of the former rural African American school of which Charlotte Hawkins Brown was the founder and leader for 50 years.
John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival (HP) — $1 million
Provides funding for the annual blues festival.
Wake Forest University Reynolda House and Gardens (W-S) — $900,000
Provides a grant to Wake Forest University for repairs and renovations to the Reynolda House and Gardens.
- Reynolda House (WS) — $20,000: Reynolda House, Inc., will use these funds to contribute to and maintain the Reynolda House Museum of American Art.
Natural Science Center of Greensboro (GSO) — $500,000
Provides economic assistance to the Natural Science Center of Greensboro, a nonprofit organization impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) (WS) — $140,000
This funding will allow SECCA to operate in Winston-Salem.

Holocaust Monument (GSO) — $250,000
This funding will help the city of Greensboro create a memorial of the Holocaust in downtown Greensboro at LeBauer Park. The monument has been designed by Victoria Milstein who visited the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in 2018. The sculpture will be the first public monument in the state dedicated to women and children who died in the Holocaust.
High Point Preservation Society (HP) — $250,000
Provides a directed grant to High Point Preservation Society, Inc., to restore the John Coltrane House
High Point Arts Council (HP) — $150,000
Provides direct funding to the arts council.
International Civil Rights Museum (GSO) — $100,000
Provides funding to the museum.
Old Salem Museum and Gardens (W-S) — $100,000
Provides funding to the museum and gardens.
Paul J. Ciener Botanical Gardens (Kernersville) — $100,000
Provides economic assistance to the Paul J. Ciener Botanical Gardens, a nonprofit organization impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
NC Folk Festival (GSO) — $100,000
A direct grant for the annual festival in Greensboro.

YMCAs (Triad) — Part of $11.4 million
This grant provides funding for various YMCAs across the state to help them recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Each location is eligible for $100,000.
National Black Theater Festival (W-S) — $25,000
Provides a directed grant to the NC Black Repertory Company, Inc., to support activities related to the National Black Theater Festival.
Piedmont Opera (WS) — $25,000
This money is for operating Piedmont Opera, Inc.
While there’s only one item in this category, it’s an important one that looks to shift certain responses to mental-health crises away from police and to mental-health professionals. How it is different from the co-response model already being implemented by the city of Greensboro is yet to be determined.
Support Team Assisted Response (STAR) (GSO) — $330,000 of $990,000
Provides a directed grant to establish STAR pilot programs to support citizens and law enforcement in Charlotte, Greensboro and Greenville. Funding for the pilot is equally distributed among the three municipalities to provide for mobile teams of mental health clinicians and paramedics to handle low-level incidents and connect people with necessary services.
Many social service organizations are looking to the state budget to fill in the titanic financial rifts created by the pandemic. Notable items include the expansion of TROSA to Guilford County, more funding for affordable housing in Winston-Salem as well as funding for an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy center in Winston-Salem.
Food banks — (Triad) — Part of $40 million
Will provide equally distributed funds to six food banks in the state to meet increased demand caused by the pandemic.
Crisis Behavioral Health Program Joint Partnerships (Forsyth) — Part of $25 million
The funding from this grant will allow for joint partnerships with local hospital systems, crisis centers and emergency services providers, among others
Support County Crisis Behavioral Health Program Joint Partnerships (W-S) — $25 million
The money from the behavioral health program will be used to fund the local hospital systems, crisis centers, emergency service providers and others.
Autopsy Center at Wake Forest Baptist (W-S) — $2,160,048
Wake Forest Baptist’s Autopsy Center will get a grant of $2,160,048 to assist with operations.
TROSA Expansion (Triad) — $11 million
Provides a grant to TROSA, a multi-year residential program that empowers people with substance use disorders, to expand to the Triad.
City of Winston-Salem Affordable Housing Funds (W-S) — $10 million
This grant provides funds to build affordable housing units.

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (W-S) — $10 million
The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine will get $3 million in funding each year of the biennium and $7 million in the base budget each year.
Second Harvest Food Bank (W-S) — $6,666,667
The Second Harvest Food bank has received a grant to assist with operations.
City of Winston-Salem Senior Services Building (W-S) — $5 million
This grant provides funding for the construction of a new senior services building.
Youth Villages (GSO) — Part of $2.9 million
Provides additional funding to the Foster Care Transitional Living Initiative Fund for Youth Villages to help improve outcomes for youth ages 17-21 who transition from foster care. The organization has locations in nine areas across the state including in Greensboro.
Winston-Salem Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program (W-S) — $500,000
Funding for the Violence Intervention Program will aid in identifying and linking patients at risk of repeat violent injury to hospital and community resources.
SaySo, Inc. (Guilford & Forsyth) — Part of $320,000
Provides funding for the statewide organization of youth ages 14-24 who are or have been in the out-of-home care system in the state. Has locations all over the state including in Guilford and Forsyth county.
Welfare Reform Liaison Project, Inc (GSO) — $300,000
The Welfare Reform Liaison Project,Inc. Is a nonprofit and CAA in Guilford County that provides assistance and services for low-income individuals and families through workforce training and job placement.
Salem Pregnancy Center Renovations & Equipment (W-S) – $255,000
The money from this grant will go to renovations at the Salem Pregnancy Center, a crisis pregnancy center that works to prevent pregnant people from accessing abortions.
Trellis Supportive Care (W-S) — $250,000
This grant provides the funds for hospice and palliative care.
WSSU-Simon Green Atkins Community Development Corporation (W-S) — $250,000
Provides a grant to support the Simon Green Atkins Community Development Corporation, a non-profit that strives to foster community-based leadership focused on revitalizing the neighborhoods surrounding Winston-Salem State University.
Fellowship Hall, Inc (GSO) — $100,000
Provides a directed grant to Fellowship Hall, Inc., a nonprofit drug and alcohol recovery center in Greensboro, NC.
Senior Resources of Guilford Meal Delivery Van (Guilford) — $100,000
Provides a grant to the Senior Resources of Guilford for a new meal delivery van.
Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries (W-S) — $75,000
Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries will use this grant for its prison ministry program.
Macedonia Family Resource Center, Inc. (HP) — $50,000
The Macedonia Family Resource Center, Inc., a nonprofit in Guilford County, will receive funding to help children and adults access emergency services and educational tools including after-school programs, GED classes and summer camps.
Open Door Ministries of High Point, Inc. (HP) — $50,000
Open Door Ministries of High Point, Inc., a nonprofit in Guilford County, that provides supportive services and emergency assistance to those experiencing homelessness and hunger.

Greater High Point Food Alliance (HP) — $50,000
The High Point Food Alliance aims to alleviate hunger by “executing citywide and neighborhood-focused initiatives to develop more just and sustainable food systems.”
Innovative Court Pilot Programs (W-S) — $50,000 (out of $1.5 million)
This grant provides funding to various counties for their court pilot programs. Winston-Salem will get $50,000 out of $1.5 million.
All of the items in this category are for funds headed to High Point, most notably money for the furniture market.
High Point Furniture Market (HP) — $2,305,472
Funding from the state for the yearly furniture market events.
- High Point Furniture Market Authority — $1,510,000: Provides economic assistance to the High Point Furniture Market Authority, a nonprofit organization impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
City of High Point Equity Project (HP) — $1 million
Provides a directed grant to the City of High Point for the High Point Equity Project which aims to “support the growth and development of minority-owned and economically-challenged businesses.”
Business High Point, Inc (HP) — $500,000
A directed grant for Business High Point, Inc.
As people begin to travel again, local airports will receive several millions of dollars for upkeep and improvements to their facilities.
Smith Reynolds Airport (W-S) — $23 million
This funding is for the Smith Reynolds Airport in Winston-Salem.
Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO) — $10 million
Provides funding for capital improvements to the airport.
Wastewater and Water Infrastructure (W-S) – $3.1 million
These project construction grants are for Winston-Salem to build and improve on water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
City of Winston-Salem (W-S) – $900,000
This grant allows for capital improvements in Winston-Salem.
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