We know it’s crazy out there. It’s easy to panic and get lost in all of the news updates. But we encourage you to take a second and breathe and then think about how we can all do our part to help our communities during this crisis. We’ve got a little list to get you started. Got suggestions? Send ’em to [email protected] and we’ll update this list as we go! We got this!
- Don’t panic.
- Donate or volunteer at local organizations:
- Second Harvest Food Bank — This Triad-wide food bank is taking volunteers as well as monetary donations to help feed people during the crisis. Learn more about how you can help on their website here.
- United Way of Greensboro — United Way of GSO has partnered with other local organizations to start a virus relief fund to help children and families. Donate here.
- Greensboro virtual tip jar for workers — A local spreadsheet with those who have been fired or have had their hours cut back on is circulating with a way for people to donate to individuals in need. Check it out here.
- Down Home NC — This grassroots organization mobilizes and works with rural working families in the state. They are collecting donations through their mutual aid fund to help families purchase supplies and goods during the crisis. Learn more here.
- Backpack Beginnings — This organization helps feed children in need. They are currently asking for both monetary and food donations to their warehouse. They are also in need of volunteers to help sort, pack and deliver food. Learn more here.
- A Simple Gesture — This organization is working with Guilford County Schools to offer grab-and-go meals for students while schools are closed. Learn how you can donate time, money or food here.
- Sign up to volunteer through the Volunteer Center of GSO — The volunteer center pulls volunteer opportunities from various nonprofits in the city. Find a way to help on their website.
- Interactive Resource Center — The homeless day shelter has extended their hours and is in need of hand sanitizer and online monetary donations. Learn more on their Facebook page here.
- YWCA of Greensboro — The local shelter for women and families is accepting monetary donations as well as food and disposable thermometers. Learn more on their Facebook page.
- Arts Greensboro — ArtsGreensboro has launched the Greensboro Artist Emergency Fund for working artists in the Greater Greensboro area who have lost fees, commissions, sales, and other income-generating activities. Give to the campaign here. Apply for funding here.
- HOPE of Winston-Salem — The organization is working to fill backpacks to deliver to children during the coronavirus. They need volunteers to help pack bags as well as deliver. They also need goods like bread and fruit. They are also taking monetary donations on their website.
- Samaritan Ministries — The Winston-Salem organization provides shelter and food to those in need. Right now, they are in need of supplies and volunteers. Learn more on their website.
- Goodwill — Donate to your local Goodwill. They are still taking their regular donations. Visit their website for more information.
- Crisis Control — This food pantry and basic needs shelter is asking for both food and monetary donations. Visit their website for more info.
- Check in on one another! This is a scary time. Send texts, calls or even Facetime friends and family. Don’t forget to check on your neighbors too, especially those who are elderly or have immune deficiencies and offer to help get groceries or run errands. Starting a Facebook group or sending out flyers door-to-door with a neighborhood email is a great way to connect!
- Buy gift cards from your favorite stores and restaurants to keep them afloat. You can also (as of the writing of this article, still order takeout from restaurants). Check out businesses’ Facebook pages for updates.
- Take a break from social media and the news (but keep reading TCB!). It’s easy to get bogged down and upset when you’re being bombarded by new alerts every minute. Take some time to log off and disconnect.
- Don’t hoard supplies. Only buy what you need. There are others in need, too. If you have extra, consider sharing them with friends, family or neighbors. Some organizations need supplies too.
- Check out ebooks or audiobooks from your local libraries if they’re still open, from the free Libby app or from your local bookstore if they are still open.
- Donate old electronics like laptops and phones to students who need to work from home.
- Offer to watch someone’s kids if you have time and space. With schools being closed, this is a crazy time for parents. If you have babysitting experience or are able, offer to watch someone’s kids if their parents still need to go out to work.
- Fact-check news stories before you share them! This is important. News is breaking all the time and it’s easy to share stories with a single click on social media. But we need to all be vigilant to make sure the information that we’re sharing is accurate.
- Offer to let other people connect to your home wi-fi if they’re nearby.
- Take care of yourself. Wash your hands. Stop touching your face.
- Create something in lockdown. Maybe a novel, song, painting, a graphic novel, an outfit or costume or an app. You could even make little cards to send words of encouragement to friends and family in other states. It’s the little things.
- STAY HOME! It’s the best way to stay healthy and keep from spreading this thing.

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