Starting on Jan. 2, the city of Greensboro will be accepting applications to fill Mayor Pro Tempore Yvonne Johnson’s vacant at-large seat on city council, until Jan. 17. Johnson passed away at 82 on Dec. 4. She served for decades on the city council, as mayor and mayor pro tempore. The person selected to be mayor pro tempore will be chosen by all members of the city council.

Yvonne J Johnson waits for the election results in the Guilford County Courthouse in Greensboro N.C., on July 26, 2022.

The link to apply for the at-large seat will go live beginning Jan. 2. The application will include a few questions and the option to upload a resume. 

Applicants must be a resident of Greensboro, live within the city limits and be a registered voter of voting age. Prospective applicants will have a chance to give a five-minute presentation during the Jan. 28 city council meeting.
During that meeting, the mayor and city council will determine who will fill the seat. The new member will be administered the oath of office during the Feb. 4 city council meeting.

The city of Greensboro has five districts, represented by five city councilmembers. The three remaining positions are at-large seats. The next city council election will be held in 2025.

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